Title- The Social Network Official Trailer
Description- The powerful social network made the world smaller, and made everything easier.
Crate an account number in the board, write a profit about yourself, tape your friends name in find your friends and add your friends as your friends. You and your friends can connect on the website and others can see. The Facebool "wall" provides a hug stage that people can show off. For example, if you travel to some amazing place, take a picture and add it on the wall, your friends will see it and can follow your trail to see everything that you see, such as your eyes. Your friends of friends also can see it through your friends.
Facebook has more than 600 million active users in Jan 2011.
1, Unknown effects. - We've known the immeasurable powerful effects of social networks. The big concern is capability of organization. People can propaganda anything in the board, and organize some active function. This concern usually is overacted by China, North Korea, or other countries in which the governments are very conservative against. For example, The northwest of china- urumqi had an rebellion in 2007. Local residents conflicted with polices, and 120 people were injured. According to a chinese official spokesman- this was a premeditated activity. East turkistan separatists built a board by Facebook with about 500 people to plan this accident. Since then, the west social networks were restricted, such as facebook, twitter, lesbian etc.
2, Real world or virtual world. - The huge social space provides a brilliant stage where people can present limitless information. Some of them probably get addicted of the virtual world.
4, Under observation. Any action of people is monitored.
3, Suspected of Speculation. This is about the controversy of Movie. The movie was released before the Facebook company appear on market. People suspect the Facebook company exploit the movie speculate its stock. The movie looks like a subtle advertisement. Many people follow the news about that. Someone guesses if the Facenook company appear on market, the stock would be $150 -$200 each share.
Chapter 10: internet. Chapter 8: movie. Chapter 2: Media Impact.
Quiz Question: People how to face the virtual world?
Is the real world can be replaced by the virtual world?
Good example of a media controversy.