Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Blog 8- Propaganda techniques

More and more words and speech you don't need memorize. They've already been imposed in you mind when you are unaware. The repetition is a type of propaganda techniques and it is powerful. This type of propaganda deals with a jingle or word that is repeated over and over again, thus getting it stuck in someone's head, so they can buy the product. You spend money on the TV cable. However you get many advertisements when seeing the programing. A time of movie can be prolonged double times, and the ads jump up every 10 minutes, even more longer than the movie. So you see ever 10 minutes of the movie with the ads that are interspersed in it. The repetition technique is not only used on business, it also can be used by politicians. They use media,  repeat something that they want to say, and impose them in your mind. Your probably gradually agree their ideas.

The repetition can be existed in everywhere of society, such as on movies, on news, on TV programs, even  among of people's talking. The last century, chinese government used oral transmitting to pass their ideas. They put thousands loudspeakers in streets and  repeated over and over again of their ideas. Millions of people were involved in the Culture Revolution.

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